Daddy is very sick too! I don't know what is going on with him but he went to the human doctor today. I spent some time with him before he left.
Anyway, Mommy and Daddy won't let me go out for a few days. I spent the night in the house last night and the night before. Mommy let me out this morning and I came home later before Daddy went to the doctor.

I got into a fight and Mommy and Daddy are upset. My ear and the side underneath is messed up. I've been fighting a lot lately.
When they got home, Mommy cleaned my ear and side of my face, put cream on it and I went and stayed with Daddy for a while and napped.
I want to go outside but they won't let me. I got mad and took it out on two of the kittens several times. The last time, Mommy grabbed me by the throat and put me down. That got my attention so I am trying to behave. She didn't hurt me. She never hurts me and she gave me a hug and kiss right after she did this.
Anyway, I am being punished - for three days.
How am I going to protect our property?
Mommy said that I need some time off!